I wanted to write a blogpost today, and I was struggling to come up with a topic. So I thought, what am I experiencing, or my boxers experiencing currently? And I realized, burnout. Whether it’s from exercising, work, relationships, or boxing itself, I have noticed over the month of June a frustrated energy from people. Everyone’s mood and motivations are affected, all for different reasons, all in different ways. I feel it myself: I’m tired in general, and I have a strong urge to stay in bed for a couple of days in order to recuperate. The question to myself is how do I coach burnout? When I can sense a boxer is frustrated because they do not think they are improving, or they don’t have the time to train, or they have trouble grasping certain movements or are too tired to condition? Everyone goes through an ebb and flow, an upward progression to a stagnate to possibly a regression back to progressing. Sometimes taking some time off helps, resets the mind and body. Sometimes...