Happy Star Wars Day! May the 4th be with you!
For my quote today, I’m going to do my favorite quote:
“I find your lack of faith disturbing.” —Darth Vader, A New Hope
I like that the villain says this quote. Faith in the force is needed to be a powerful Jedi, whether good or evil, and that lack of faith can minimize your ability. I feel this quote can apply to so many scenarios in life: Faith in yourself, faith in the future, faith in the people in your life, faith in a humanity, faith in a higher power, whether that be Gd or aliens or science. In the Bible, the Hebrew word for belief or faith originally meant reliability, not the belief in something unseen. The writers intended the word to convey the reliability of the higher power. I think there is much truth to this even today. People think that faith is belief in something they cannot scientifically prove, making it unreliable. But my belief, despite what it is, will always be there as long as I believe it, will always give me comfort and the feeling I look for. My ability to chose, whether my actions or reactions, even though many times unseen, will always be my choice.
One thing I love about boxing as a concept is that it will always be there. I can rely on skills of the sport, get lost in the training whenever I want. People in the sport may not be always reliable, but I can trust in my ability to always lose myself in boxing. Learn from boxing. Grow from training. I can always have faith in the process.
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